If you’re suffering from a chipped, broken or even stained tooth, there are several treatment options you can consider. One of these options is composite bonding. The great thing about this treatment option is cheaper than others and can still give you that dreamy smile you have always wanted. S, before you asked about composite bonding price Leeds, it’s good to note that this option is a moderately economical way of making minor dental repairs.

What precisely is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is a painless process that’s typically done by a cosmetic dentist and happened when the dentist applies a composite material that’s the same color of the tooth. The composite material is then molded into the shape of the tooth before being hardened and polished. This material then easily bonds to the tooth. Besides fixing minor dental issues, such as cracked or chipped teeth or even gaps between teeth, composite bonding also can be used to fill in small cavities which are usually more attractive than the traditional silver tooth fillings. 

Composite Bonding Price

Like all dental procedures, prices vary on the basis of your location. Composite bonding price Leeds may also vary depending on the extent of the binding process you require. May dental insurance plans cover the majority of the cost of the bonding particularly when it’s performed for purposes of structure. The average price of composite bonding can range from $300 to $600 per tooth.  

Composite Bonding Advantages and Disadvantages

Every dental procedure comes with its pros and cons. Advantages of composite bonding include price, ease and speed. The composite bonding price Leeds is relatively costly, particularly when compared to its other alternatives. The procedure may usually happen in a single visit and anesthesia generally isn’t needed.   

However, patients ought to understand that the binding material, after application could become stained. Therefore, proper care must be taken after the procedure. Composite bonding can last several years but it’s less durable when compared to crowns and veneers. 

Composite Bonding Preservation

Patients need to follow some special guidelines when they go home after having a binding procedure. Since dental bonding is susceptible to staining, tea, red wine, coffee and sodas need to be eliminated completely or at least reduced in addition to smoking, which can’t only stain teeth but also cause gum issues. 

Additionally, composite binding is more likely to chip than other forms of dental procedures, so a patient requires avoiding chewing on hard objects and biting their nails. 


In conclusion, if you’re having just a small dentistry issue such as a discolored tooth or cracked or a gap between your teeth, then composite binding may be the right option for you. The cost of the procedure varies depending on several factors. Learn composite bonding price Leeds and know the way forward. 

