Weight loss workout is a range of physical activity and exercises meant to help the body shed off some fat. Weight loss Workout, though effective, seems to be a long term management of weight gain which most times depends on the intensity , duration and type of workout. With workout, the chances of weight regain are minimal.

However, any individual seeking to lose weight needs to combine 70% of workout with a proper diet free of calories as both are needed to achieve desired results.

Weight loss workout can either be Cardiovascular exercises or strength training exercises.

Cardiovascular exercises :are simple exercises that increase the heart rate which will in turn increase the rate at which the body burns fat. Examples include; jump rope, swimming ,power walk.

Strength Training exercises: intensifies body metabolism, builds up the muscles and burns fat faster during exercise and at rest. Examples include; push ups, deadlifts, lunges.

What you need to know about weight loss workout

Weight loss workout

  • Working out isn’t enough especially if you don’t control your food choices and the amount of calories you consume.
  • Workouts are only effective if it becomes part of your daily routine, giving at least 30 minutes to exercises.
  • These exercises are generally of high-intensity and account for about 25percent of energy expenditure. It therefore requires active rest.
  • Workouts do not necessarily burn off fat in a particular location .This is otherwise known as spot reduction and has not been scientifically proven possible.
  • Workouts are usually planned and structured according to individual fitness goals and might not really work for everyone the same way.
  • Workouts help you lose weight by increasing the body metabolism and the rate at which it burns fat.

On the other hand, weight loss medications are approved drugs that help the body shed off  weight by suppressing appetite, making you feel fuller thereby reducing your calorie consumption.

What you know about weight loss medications

  • There are high chances of increased dependence on the drugs.
  • It should only be used when both workouts and diet aren’t working.
  • It should not be used when there is an underlying health condition that could interfere with each other.
  • Consult a doctor to be sure of its side effects .
  • These drugs should be for a short term.


Weight loss workouts or medications isn’t magic to automatically take off some pounds off your weight. Give it some time. For more information visit our Website.
