Managing knee pain caused by osteoarthritis - Aveo

Osteoarthritis is a common problem in a lot of people nowadays, but many of them don’t know about this problem. Usually, women suffer more from this issue than men. It is not only due to one disease, but it is the result of many disorders in the human body. People who suffer from this problem feel pain in their joints, nearby muscles and the bones. The pain of osteoarthritis is more while walking or moving, but the rest releases the pain. The citizens of Brisbane who are suffering from this disease should immediately go for osteoarthritis treatment Brisbane.

There are many clinics for osteoarthritis and scar treatment Brisbane. If you are aware of the issue, you can save yourself from it. This article will discuss the leading causes of the problem.

Causes of osteoarthritis

The most common causes of this problem are mentioned below.

Old age: The functions of our body disturbs with age. Our bodies don’t remain the same at a late age. Many diseases attack in that age, and the immunity systems don’t work as effectively as it does in an early age. Usually, this problem starts developing after the 40s because the muscles get weaker with age.

Gender: As it is mentioned earlier that women suffer from the issue more than men. So, women are more vulnerable to this disease. They should take extra care of their joints and muscles if they want to save themselves from it.

Obesity: Obesity is also one of the main causes of this disease. Many people who are overweight suffer from it. They feel this problem in their joints which have to bear the bodyweight like knees and the hips.

Joint injury: Sometimes, the significant joint injury or surgery can lead a person to this problem. Although they may not face this problem right after the injury or surgery, they suffer from it in their late age.

Intensive physical activities: The regular exercises and physical activities cannot cause this problem, but people who do hard jobs and intensive exercises suffer from this problem. So, if you want to save yourself from this disease, you should maintain your body.

Joint abnormalities: Some kids born with some joint abnormalities. They may also face this problem. Those kids may have to face this issue at an earlier age than others. 

If you think that you or any other member of your family is facing this problem, you should consult your doctor before it becomes a larger problem. Osteoarthritis treatment Brisbane is not a bigger issue as many doctors and physiotherapists are there to help the patients.
